Rabu, 20 April 2011

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

Shoemoney - Skills To Pay The Bills

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The Bucket List

Posted: 20 Apr 2011 07:07 AM PDT

I get asked a surprising amount what items I have on my bucket list and what items I have already crossed off.  For those who don't know a bucket list is all the items you want to do before you die (or kick the bucket).

This is by no means a complete list but its what I thought of off the top of my head.

Buy A Baseball team – I have always been a huge baseball fan.  I guess probably cause its the one sport that I played more than any other.  Baseball teams really can’t lose money with revenue sharing.   When I lived in Moline, IL (309 represent) I was a HUGE Chicago Cubs fan but after migrating west, married, and having 2 kids I am just happy when I have time to watch any game at all.

Knighted by the Queen of England – Ya I know…  I have to be a citizen of the UK to be knighted.  I could always get dual citizenship. Or would that count? Sir ShoeMoney has such a nice ring to it.

Receive an honorary doctorate by a college – My wife is a real MD who earned it through many years of college.  We have an on going debate about whether I could use the title of Doctor if given an honorary PHD from a university.   All doctors say no everyone else says yes.   Much like with getting knighted either I deserve it or not… but that's up to the university right?

Join the Mile High Club – This is probably the easiest one to cross of the list.  I could just get a ride on a private plane and do the deed with my wife.  Or would that be cheating?  Who cares it counts.  But here is a question.  What constitutes joining the Mile High Club?  Just the tip?  Or full consummation?   It seems to be about 50/50 between people I have asked so far.

Retirement – Hah ya its on my list.  Retirement sounds awesome.  I don't think it will ever happen though.  My work is not only my career, it's my hobby…

L.A. Movie Premier & Awards Show – I have always wanted to go to the Oscars or a high profile Movie Premier in Los Angeles.

Walk both my daughters down the isle – ya I know it's corny but I have known too many friends who fathers passed away to early and they missed their daughter's weddings…  It goes for grandkids too… but hopefully that is a WAYS down the road.

Presidential award for technology – Most people probably don't even know this exists… and I would not either except that ShoeMoney Media Group, INC was eBay's nominee in 2007 for our AuctionAds product.  We were one of 5 nominees but lost to Mark Zuckerberg for this stupid thing he made that went nowhere called Facebook.

Write a book – I have been working on the ShoeMoney playbook…. For uh… 5 years now.  I keep updating it as my thoughts keep changing as my education and experience in the industry keeps improving.

Take a year and travel the world – Sadly I have never been outside of North America.  I would love to take a full year to travel the world with my wife.   There is so many things I want to experience in person.  This is realistically not going to be a possibility for at least 15 years until both my children are out of the house.  Geez I will be 52 years old…

Things on bucket list that have been crossed off:

  • Get married
  • Have kids
  • Sell a company
  • Meet Paris Hilton (just joking… well I did meet her but it wasn't on the bucket list).
  • Go to a UFC fight and sit ringside
  • Make a million dollars in gross revenue in 1 year.
  • Have 10 million dollars in net worth


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